Spring Player Registration

All Players must register from invitation from a Club or Association. CMBA does not allow individual player registrations.

In order to be eleigle to play with their team in the CMBA League, players MUST register by April 1, 2020

1. Associated Players/Coaches/Managers will receive an email invite from their registered Team. Click on the link to be redirected to our registration page

Player Invite

2. Login to RAMP Registration System. If you have RAMP Account (i.e. through CMBA Fall/Winter League) use the same login.

Create New Account if you do not have a RAMP Account

RAMP Family Account

3. Choose family member from drop down (or create new if family member is not there) and choose whether participant is player, or staff.

If Staff, Choose a Role

4. Click Continue

5. Attach copy of Proof of Age (Accepted Proof of Age Documents: Birth Certificate, Passport, AB Health Care)

CMBA requires all players to have proof of age for CMBA Spring League

**Staff is not required to upload Proof of Age, but will need to upload "image" to get past proof of age for the time being.

Upload Birth Certificate

6. Sign Waiver and Participation Agreement.

Copies of these documents can be found at Waiver and Participation Agreement

Player Waiver

7. Enter Parent/Guardian information **Required for any participant under 18

** Staff over 18 does not require parent/guardian. Currently defaulted to require, please enter yourself until this has been resolved

Player Guardian

8. Confirm Details and Submit Registration. Player is now confirmed on Team Roster.

Submit Player Registration




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